Pink Paradise

Last week I experienced one of the most aesthetically beautiful and rare acts of nature that I’ve ever had the pleasure of observing.  As I’ve looked at most every masterpiece in the western world, I don’t say this lightly.

As I was doing my evening walk in Point Dume, I turned the corner and saw a pink painted sky.  It was done in a painterly hand, with brilliantly coloured pink strokes of various shades.  The florescent pink brush strokes were of a rare hue.

And in the midst of this exquisite sunset was a space that appeared to open to the divine. It was truly transcendental, which I suppose was the purpose of such a rarefied happening.

If only I had had my telephone with me, but then again, it would have negated such a divine and transcendental event.

Michelangelo’s David, Kanan and God

The Other David centered no shadowThe other day as we were on the way to Trader Joe’s for grocery shopping, Max and Sabrina screamed out “there’s God!” Of course I looked around and asked “where” and they answered “over there”.

I thought nothing more about it, until the following week when we were driving over Kanan Road from Malibu to Agoura Hills, and they screamed yet again “there’s God!”

Now I’m thinking, is this divine intervention??  I suppose, of sorts.

As I was driving over Kanan (known in the Hebrew Bible as “the land which is God’s gift” and “the place of abundance”) one day on my own, low and behold I see the personification of God in this life, as a copy of Michelangelo’s David!

Needless to say, as an Italian Renaissance scholar, indeed it was divine intervention for me! Nothing so beautiful has ever been created on earth that could rival Michelangelo’s David.

Once again, all roads for me lead back to Firenze. God, Canaan and Michelangelo’s David……  Why am I not surprised when we live in God’s country here in California!